by Elise Sax | Jan 8, 2018
I don’t have resolutions this year, but I do have some goals. One is getting back to doing things I enjoy…like playing the piano and singing. So, the piano tuner is coming today, and then it’ll be all Beethoven all the time! Or maybe...
by Elise Sax | Jan 5, 2018
Happy New Year! I’m sorry I’ve been quiet, but I’ve been battling with my insides, which have given a good fight…but I think I’m winning in the end. (No pun intended.) A newsletter is going to hit your inboxes very soon. Inside are Elise...
by Elise Sax | Dec 27, 2017
Where am I? Where are you? We’re together here in my new blog in my new website. Take a look around and tell me what I did right and did wrong. Hahaha! Just kidding. Only tell me what I did right. Phew…that was close.