
All Growed Up

All Growed Up

Today I opened a business bank account. It took me six visits to the bank before I had all of the correct paperwork. But they opened one for if I was a grown up, or something. I'm comfortable with being a hermit in my room where I make up stories, but being a...

Found! And Returned to Me.

Found! And Returned to Me.

I was so surprised, yesterday when a family member returned to me a letter I had sent to my grandmother from sleep-away camp in...1979. I still have PTSD from sleep-away camp. I mean, there was no TV, and I was in a bunk with other people. HORROR! Anyway, reading the...

Close Your Eyes. Think of England.

Close Your Eyes. Think of England.

Back at my gynecologist / oncologist today. So far so good. But geez...who invented this stuff? Anyway, this is the sign on the ceiling above the exam table. It says it all!  

Don’t do this at home.

Don’t do this at home.

I walked into the garage to get into my car, but I stopped when I saw that someone had left a twisted, rusty nail on the floor. How dangerous, I thought. Why would someone leave this here? I bent down to pick it up and throw it in the trash, where it belonged. But it...

Work Life Balance

Work Life Balance

I don't have resolutions this year, but I do have some goals. One is getting back to doing things I playing the piano and singing. So, the piano tuner is coming today, and then it'll be all Beethoven all the time! Or maybe Chopsticks?

Snow Bombs? How about Money Rain?

Snow Bombs? How about Money Rain?

Happy New Year! I'm sorry I've been quiet, but I've been battling with my insides, which have given a good fight...but I think I'm winning in the end. (No pun intended.) A newsletter is going to hit your inboxes very soon. Inside are Elise Sax news and the news about...

Welcome to my new home!

Welcome to my new home!

Where am I? Where are you? We're together here in my new blog in my new website. Take a look around and tell me what I did right and did wrong. Hahaha! Just kidding. Only tell me what I did right. Phew...that was close.  

Now Available!
